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Skin Therapy is vital for accessing results outside of your daily regimen.

Facial treatments boost your skin's clarity, texture, hydration, and (most importantly) health.

Our skin is the largest organ we have, making it of the utmost importance to protect it and maintain its proper function (like immunity!) All treatments are fully customizable to your skin's needs; everyone is different and no two-regimens are exactly alike.


- Avoid direct sun exposure, waxing, exfoliation, and retinoid-use one week prior to and following your scheduled service.

- Skip alcohol the night before and coffee the morning of - these are natural astringents and will dehydrate your cells, preventing maximum results.

- Please use the restroom upon arrival to ensure comfort for the entire duration of your service.

- Promise yourself a time of dedicated self-care by silencing your cellphone.

- SCHEDULE ACCORDINGLY - Avoid wearing makeup, heavy activity, and alcohol consumption before and immediately after treatment to guarantee best results. For event planning (weddings, photos, etc.,) it is best to schedule a treatment 3-7 days in advance.

- Arrive on time or early to ensure a complete service.

- Additional after-care will be discussed upon closing the appointment. Please follow all after-care instructions to guarantee best results.


please review my policies and frequently asked questions prior to scheduling an appointment


$50 - $100

A detailed, 30-minute one-on-one discussion regarding your skin's conditions, lifestyle, and health history to determine the best course of action for attaining your goals.

To receive a customized home care regimen and treatment plan, include: 'Regimen Rehab.'

recommended as an add-on to any skin service



A detailed, 15-minute one-on-one virtual discussion regarding your skin's conditions,

lifestyle, and health history to determine the best course of action for attaining your goals.

To receive a customized home care regimen and treatment plan, include: 'Regimen Rehab.'



A custom treatment designed to achieve results unattainable in home care alone with a focus of professional corrective, preventative, and protective enhancements.

Condition-Focus Treatments: Acne, Age Management, Brightening, Hydration, or Sensitivity

encouraged monthly; advised quarterly


15m - $45, 30m $65

*cannot receive while pregnant/breast feeding, under use of antibiotics, photosensitizing medications, or while receiving laser/radation treatments; please advise an email regarding treatment eligibility

A 15 or 30-minute session through treatment of light emission which stimulates an immune response in the skin in order to achieve desired goals. Red LED stimulates collagen production while reducing redness, Blue LED kills bacteria and reduces inflammation, and infrared produces heat while healing wounds and muscle or tissue pain.

advised weekly



*cannot receive while pregnant or breast feeding; please advise an email regarding treatment eligibility

*must be at least 21 years of age

A controlled, rapid chemical burn using clinical acids to dissolve away dull cells, revealing a smoother and brighter complexion.

advised every 3-5 weeks until desired results are achieved


$100+ (add on-to any treatment, given eligibility $45)

*chronic or inflamed acne patients ineligible; please advise an email regarding treatment eligibility

A 60-minute, gentle resurfacing treatment through removing dead skin cells and "peach fuzz" by surgical blade epilation . Reveals a smoother and brighter complexion and allows for a deeper facial treatment; can be combined with a Chemical Peel.

advised monthly


starting at $950 for single session, $2,550 for package of 3

*cannot receive while pregnant or breast feeding; please advise an email regarding treatment eligibility

*must be at least 21 years of age

A medical, cosmetic procedure which creates microchannels in the skin from deep in the dermis to stimulate collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin production in the epidermis through the use of tiny needle punctures and radio frequency waves. LED therapy can be combined with this treatment.

 Recommended for clients seeking to eradicate scarring, increase skin luminosity, and reduce wrinkles and more.

advised every 4-6 weeks until desired results are achieved


$350 for single session, $975 for package of 3

*cannot receive while pregnant or breast feeding; please advise an email regarding treatment eligibility

*must be at least 21 years of age

A medical, cosmetic procedure which creates microchannels in the skin from deep in the dermis to stimulate collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin production in the epidermis through the use of tiny needle punctures. Recommended for clients seeking to improve scarring  and reduce wrinkles.

advised every 4-6 weeks until desired results are achieved


pricing available upon consulting

*in-person consultation required prior to treatment

A medical, cosmetic procedure which vaporizes the epidermis by interacting around 400 degrees Celsius with gasses from the skin to stimulate skin remodeling, producing a tightening effect. Excellent for stretch marks, loose skin, lifting and firming.

as needed until desired results are achieved, no sooner than 16 weeks apart

Existing Guests Only

Existing Guests Only

please review my policies and frequently asked questions prior to reserving an appointment

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